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Filing for Workers' Comp in Tampa

Tampa Workers' Comp Claim Attorney

If you are to have the opportunity of receiving the full benefits that may be available to you under Florida workers' compensation laws, you will need to properly file your claim and approach any issues that arise promptly and effectively. Involving a Tampa workers' comp claim attorney from Smith & Stallworth is the best way to handle your case, as you will have the guidance and representation of an experienced legal professional every step of the way.

Following is an approximate outline of the process of filing for workers' compensation in Tampa, Florida, although this may vary depending on your particular situation:

  • Immediately after you are injured, report the incident to your manager or supervisor (you must do this within 30 days or you may be at risk of losing your right to benefits)
  • Your employer is required to report the injury to the workers' compensation insurance company within 7 days of your report
  • If your employer does not contact the insurance company, you can contact them instead
  • The insurance company is required to send you an informational brochure within 3 days of receiving your employer's report
  • From here, the insurance company will investigate the incident to determine whether your claim is valid. The insurer will also work to determine what your claim should be worth

There are situations where a dispute may arise regarding whether a workers' comp claim is valid, or there may be an issue where your claim has been denied. In these situations, your attorney can work with you to file an appeal to seek another chance at a favorable outcome. A hearing may also be held in the event of a disputed claim, at which point an attorney can represent your interests and work to supply evidence to the workers' compensation judge to support your case.

Through the process of filing for workers' compensation, you need a competent professional to help. Contact a Tampa Workers' Compensation Lawyer at our firm to see how we can help.

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