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Tampa Workers' Comp Claim Denial

Denied Workers' Comp? Contact a Tampa Attorney Today!

Has your workers' compensation claim been denied by your employer and the insurance company? You have the legal right to file a Petition for Benefits. This is your opportunity to seek benefits that have been denied, and this petition is filed at your local Employee Assistance Office (EAO).

Finding out more about your rights after a workers' comp denial is one of the most important steps you can take, particularly if you are going to have the opportunity of recovering the benefits you need. In addition to contacting your local EAO office, it is beneficial to discuss the matter with an experienced Tampa workers' compensation lawyer. As a legal professional experienced in handling these matters, an attorney can answer your questions, address your concerns and review your particular case to determine the best approach for filing an appeal. It is crucial to act quickly in these matters, as there is a time limit to filing a Petition for Benefits. This is generally 2 years, but it may vary depending on the unique case.

Why is a Claim Denied?

A workers' compensation claim may be denied for different reasons. A claim may be denied because it is believed that the worker was not actually injured at work or in an accident related to his or her job. Another possible reason for denied benefits is if it is believed that the worker fraudulently filed for compensation. If you believe that your claim is in danger of being denied or if it has already been denied, do not wait to involve an attorney who can represent your interests and assist you in getting the money you need for medical bills and lost earnings.

Contact a Tampa Workers' Comp Denial Attorney at Smith & Stallworth today for the aggressive representation you need.

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